"Steampunk Gallery"
"Steampunk Gallery"
"Angel fly"
"Angel fly"
Northwest Theme.  Center Orca Totem patterned after the Snoqualmie Tribe of Washington State.
Northwest Theme. Center Orca Totem patterned after the Snoqualmie Tribe of Washington State.
"Wall fire"
"Wall fire"
Gypsy Star
Gypsy Star
" Rush Hour"
" Rush Hour"
under construction
under construction
If you’ve ever come into contact with “Prickly Pear”, it’s a wonderful fruit to serve. I kinda reminds me of a kiwi fruit. The pear has its own unique taste, texture and beautiful color.   The purple juice can stain a steele blade when you cut into it. The odd thing is, when I used it to paint with, the color turned into an organic brown& green color. What you see on canvas is the purple stain at various stages of oxidation, creating different shades of color.
If you’ve ever come into contact with “Prickly Pear”, it’s a wonderful fruit to serve. I kinda reminds me of a kiwi fruit. The pear has its own unique taste, texture and beautiful color. The purple juice can stain a steele blade when you cut into it. The odd thing is, when I used it to paint with, the color turned into an organic brown& green color. What you see on canvas is the purple stain at various stages of oxidation, creating different shades of color.
beginnings of a bookshelf
beginnings of a bookshelf
Wa La, a bookshelf
Wa La, a bookshelf
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